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Augustine 3D Adjustable Chin Rest
AUGUSTIN 3D ADJUSTABLE CHIN REST in combination with VLM Augustin DIAMOND and VIVA FLEX shoulder rests is definitely best choice for relaxed playing.
LONG NECK? NO PROBLEM MUSCLE TENSION AND BREATHING PROBLEMS SKIN PROBLEMS Some experienced violinists think the cause can be found in the materials used in your instrument. Some skin types react negatively to the nickel or unique metals found in the screws used on some chin rests, which exacerbates any adverse reaction caused by the chin rest rubbing and chafing on the skin during practice or performing. Other players are allergic to rosewood or ebony, etc.
- Ceramic NANO coating By applying a special ceramic NANO coating to the surface of the Augustin 3D Adjustable chin rest, we prevent allergic reaction of the skin. The coating creates an almost completely even and hydrophobic surface, which repels water, dirt, bacteria, dust and other materials. It is safe for skin contact / dermatologically tested. The antimicrobial protection is free of fluorine as well as other halogens.
- Smooth form design of the Augustin 3D Adjustable chin rests prevents rubbing and chafing on the skin.
- TITANUM Chinrest screws are extremely light weight, and not problematic for skin allergies.
- Hypoallergenic plastic material of the chin rest plate. Muscle tension and breathing problems shall definitely look for an answer... Choosing best possible combination of Chin rest and Shoulder rests is extremely important. Therefore we designed Chin rests & Shoulder rests with objective to include numeorous possibilities of regulation and adjustment.
- $230.00
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